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7 Tips To Massage While Flying!

But it got me thinking, does flying on an airplane really have to be all that bad? 

What if we could make it a bit more bearable? More importantly how can we make it more bearable? The good news is there’s a couple of ways, and massage is one of them! As I buckled my seat belt in preparation for take off, I couldn’t stop but wonder “What if the seats on this 21st century bird had built in massage capabilities. Wouldn’t that be something!”

Don’t act like you haven’t thought about it either! 

One day in the not so distant future, this post will be meaningless as major airlines will integrate massage capability into their chairs. Until then, here’s 7 “massage on a plane” tips for my economy class peeps to help you get through that next flight!

# 1 Take A Portable Roller With You!

Don’t underestimate the power of the roller. This simple contraption is so powerful, even therapists use them!

When most people think of rollers, they think of massive circular foam rods! 

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Say hello to The Roadster from Tiger Tail!

11 inches of massage therapy on the go, and small enough to chuck in a regular-sized backpack.

How do you work this thing? 

I recommend you always roll in a seated position. Of course this aligns perfectly when on an airplane! Here’s the routine I follow:

  • Calves—Tuck the roller behind your calf, and using both hands slowly roll up and down.
  • Quads—Similar to the calves, you should roll out your quads, one at a time.
  • Neck—Place the roller beneath your neck, and use your hands to move the roller up and down.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race. No point rushing when you still have 12 hours and 57 minutes left to kill!