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GETSWEATGO The 12 Best Foam Rollers 2021

Yes, we know the Tiger Tail Long One isn’t a foam roller per se, but we’ve added it to this list for the simple fact that 1) we love it and 2) it offers a great alternative to a foam roller in a number of scenarios. So, if you’re looking for a roller that you can use on the move or whilst sitting at your desk at work, it beats everything else on the list by a mile.

Unlike your average foam rollers that can only be used on a flat surface, Tiger Tail’s massage sticks are designed to be used from a standing or seated position, which makes them significantly less antisocial when it comes to using it in public, or when you lack the space to sprawl out on the floor. It’s especially good for taking with you when you’re planning on a long run/cycle/swim/anything active and you need to warm up or cool down the muscles.

How does it feel?

The Tiger Tail Long One is a great piece of kit to have either instead of a foam roller or to use as well as one. The shape and size mean that you can really get into muscles that aren’t always easy when using a normal one on the floor. You can also use it in positions other than lying down, meaning that the effect on the muscles feels significantly different.