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7 Steps for the Perfect Doggy Massage

7 Steps for the Perfect Doggy Massage

This weekend, I took my pup, Zuri, on his first hike! He bounded up the trail, leaping boulders and splashing through mud, all with a smile plastered on his face. The day after the hike was full of naps, downward dogs, and slow ambles. Unfortunately, the next day was...
How to Defeat Lower Back Pain

How to Defeat Lower Back Pain

Epic Win: I ran my first trail half-marathon! Not So Epic: My lower back hurt while running and is still painful two days later. The lower back pain left me hobbling around, struggling to do even simple things like tie my shoes or lean down to pet my dog. Fortunately,...
What You Need To Know: Cupping

What You Need To Know: Cupping

Who has a body covered in dark spots and is the king of the water? Introducing Michael Phelps, USA Olympic champion swimmer. While it may look like Phelps and several other Olympic athletes are slowly becoming Dalmatians, these dark purple dots are actually signs of...
Welcome to the Happy Muscles Blog

Welcome to the Happy Muscles Blog

At one point or another, we all experience muscle pain. When that happens, we want the quick fix. We want to recline in our La-Z-Boy chair, take a magic pill, and watch our favorite show. Unfortunately, there’s no magic pill. There’s no fancy magnetic bracelet that...