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The Curve Ball

The Curve Ball is a stationary foam roller great for deep tissue muscle massage. This patent-pending inventive tool offers stable and controlled deep muscle massage. The orange, flat base is grippy, which means it won’t slide around. It stays in one place allowing for sustained traction on the muscle. A curved massage surface provides targeted muscle care and relief of minor muscle aches and soreness. Perfect for hips, glutes, back, shoulders, psoas, and more. Use your weight as leverage and let the tool do the work. Use on the floor, chair, bed, or wall. Approximately 4″ round massage surface.

Where Does It Work Best

Work best for back, glutes, and quads. The tool stays stationary so it’s easier to control and target your muscles. Best usage: lean on a wall, sit on a chair, or lay down on a mattress or other hard surface.

How to Use?

  1. Lie or sit on top of the Curve Ball or lean onto it against a wall, and apply pressure on your muscles.
  2. Relaxing your muscles during this process will help you massage the “belly” of the muscle.
  3. You are the judge of how much pressure to apply. Strive for a “good hurt”- from 5-7 on a scale of 1-10. If lying on top of the foam roller on the floor is too painful for you, try to put the foam roller on a bed or couch. “Grimacing” with pressure can be described as that “hurts so good” feeling. It’s not unusual for people to laugh and/or get really serious when applying this type of pressure on a muscle knot. This is usually where we see the best success.
  4. Always follow muscle paths. Massage each muscle group 10-20 seconds. With each pass, gently press deeper into the muscle. Avoid massaging directly over bones.
  5. Tender muscle knots can reduce range of motion while causing minor aches, discomfort and muscle fatigue. Knots come in various sizes, like a pin head, pea, noodle or small pickle.
  6. Minor discomfort or tenderness may be experienced when passing over muscle knots. To minimize knots, apply 10 seconds of firm, constant, focused strokes, for three sets.
  7. Recurring or stubborn muscle knots often need additional attention. Using Tiger Tail products 2-3 times a day may help speed healing. Over the course of time, muscle knots should get smaller or disappear.

Learn More

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